Thursday, July 31, 2008

Too Human goes gold; 900k downloaded demo

Silicon Knights and Microsoft announced today that the long, strange development journey of Too Human is at an end, with the game going gold for its Aug. 19 release. Denis Dyack and Silicon Knights now face the Ragnarök of retail to find out if the last 10 years -- not to mention that little lawsuit -- will grant them access to gaming's financial Valhalla.

At a minimum, it appears gamers certainly are interested in Too Human, as Microsoft announced the demo was downloaded 900k times, making it the most downloaded action demo on XBLM in its first week. Be sure to check out the demo and try out all the classes (using a little bit of time travel) to see if Too Human is too good to pass over.

Blizzard's Next Game Could Be More Successful Than WoW

Blizzard's team doesn't care for the term "killer app," used to describe a program or product — in this case, a certain MMO — that single-handedly shaped the market around its platform. In fact, when we asked about World of Warcraft's unshakable hold on the massively multiplayer biz, game director Jeffrey Kaplan was humble.

"I don't believe that WoW is untouchable," he said. "I completely believe that a game could come out and be more successful than WoW. I'm hoping that we're working on it right now."

Designing and developing any MMO, Kaplan said, simply distills down to a series of choices. "I think a lot of other companies have had great opportunities to do what WoW has done... usually for whatever reason, they miss the mark."

"I actually feel really bad, a lot of times, when new MMOs come out and don't do really well, because I'm not thinking of it from a business perspective. I know what it's like to be a developer on a team that you believe in on a game that you just love, and for some reason, you don't get enough time, or someone makes a bad decision... everybody's making a lot of small choices, and when those go wrong, your game ends up not successful."

Diablo III lead designer Jay Wilson believes that one can really focus on one MMO at a time, because of the time demand. He said he played Age of Conan for a couple of months, played Lord of the Rings Online a lot, and still goes back to City of Heroes every now and then. He thinks the key to MMO success is "not making choices based upon being different, but making choices based upon what's good for your game."

"If there was an MMO out there that had a tone different from WoW but was executed as well, I actually think there could be a huge audience for that. When I get disappointed, it's because I don't see that level of execution."

Another key factor for global success, said Blizzard's associate PR manager Bob Colayco, is that it takes a lot of time to develop the infrastructure to support a global audience. Players in any country around the world can receive service and support on WoW in their native language and the localizations are meticulous, he said, which contributes to the retention of a broad userbase.

But will Blizzard's next project be the game that finally tops WoW's global success?

"I believe it can be," Kaplan said. "The same challenge is on us. Are we going to make the right decisions? I don't believe that just because we made WoW, we're guaranteed on the next MMO that we make to have the same success." He also said that at launch, WoW was not what it is today — it's taken the game a five to six-year development cycle, plus two years on Burning Crusade and a year and a half on Lich King. Similarly, StarCraft 2 is renowned, he said, for its "perfect game balance" — but it didn't launch that way, the team recalled.

"I really believe you're only as good as your last game. I really think you gave to prove it every time," said Kaplan.

And is the bar especially high for Blizzard? "Yeah, for sure."

Said Wilson, "The only thing we get for free is faith that we'll follow up on any problems. Anything else, we have to earn."

Doom 4 To Use 3X The Horsepower Of Rage, Run At 30 FPS

John Carmack revealed at the opening day of QuakeCon today that "the next Doom", which we'll just call Doom 4 for now, will surpass the already announced Rage, running on id Tech 5, in visual quality.

"The next DOOM game will look like it's built on another engine, as it uses three times the horsepower," Carmack said, according to a 1UP report.

That visual fidelity will come at a price though, as Carmack says that Doom 4 will run at 30 frames per second, compared to Rage's 60 frames per second. The only other details provided by Carmack on Doom 4 was that the game would feature "guns, blood, demons, and gibs." Should've sent a poet...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

playstation 3 exclusives vs Xbox 360 exclusives

Game Critics' Best of E3 Finalists Announced

Each year journalists from 36 North America media outlets come together to select what they believe are the best games of E3. The annual Game Critics Awards are meant to recognize the games that "will shape the future of interactive entertainment."

The only rule? They have to be playable by the judges at E3.

The winning games haven't quite been selected yet, but the judges (including myself) have selected the finalists. Best of show nominees are Fallout 3, Gears of War 2, LittleBigPlanet, Mirror's Edge and Spore. LittleBigPlanet managed to get the most nominations across the board, with five, while both Gears of War 2 and Left 4 Dead nabbed four nominations. EA was the publisher with the most nominations, pulling in a whopping 21.

While I mostly agree with the list, there is one stand-out. Early on in the process we were told that Street Fighter IV the arcade machine was eligible for awards. Personally, as much as I love the game, I don't think that's fair. It's not a video game in the true sense of the word. When it does hit consoles that's fine, but I think mixing in arcade games with console and PC titles sets a bad precedent.

Best of Show
- Fallout 3
- Gears of War 2
- LittleBigPlanet
- Mirror’s Edge
- Spore

Best Original Game
- Flower
- Left 4 Dead
- Little Big Planet
- Mirror’s Edge
- Spore

Best Console Game
- Fallout 3
- Gears of War 2
- LittleBigPlanet
- Resistance 2
- Resident Evil 5

Best Handheld Game
- Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
- Chrono Trigger DS
- Puzzle Quest: Galactrix
- Resistance: Retribution
- Rhythm Heaven

Best PC Game
- Dragon Age: Origins
- Left 4 Dead
- Spore
- Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War II
- Warhammer Online

Best Hardware
- Lips Microphone
- Rock Band 2 Ion “Drum Rocker” Set
- Wii MotionPlus

Best Action Game
- Far Cry 2
- Gears of War 2
- Left 4 Dead
- Mirror’s Edge
- Resistance 2

Best Action/Adventure Game
- Dead Space
- Prince of Persia
- Resident Evil 5
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
- Tomb Raider: Underworld

Best Role Playing Game
- Chrono Trigger DS
- Dragon Age: Origins
- Fable 2
- Fallout 3
- Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood

Best Fighting Game
- Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
- Soul Calibur IV
- Street Fighter IV
- Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix

Best Racing Game
- Baja: Edge of Control
- Midnight Club: Los Angeles
- MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
- Pure

Best Sports Game
- Madden NFL 09
- NBA Live 09
- Shaun White Snowboarding
- Skate It
- Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 09

Best Strategy Game
- Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3
- Empire: Total War
- Halo Wars
- Tom Clancy’s EndWar
- Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War II

Best Social/Casual/Puzzle Game
- Guitar Hero World Tour
- Lego Batman: The Videogame
- LittleBigPlanet
- Rock Band 2
- Wii Sports Resort

Best Online Multiplayer Game
- Gears of War 2
- Left 4 Dead
- LittleBigPlanet
- Resistance 2
- Rock Band 2

new ps3 firmware update 2.42 is up (part 2)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Blue ray

This is Sony's ace in the hole in the console wars. Now even Microsoft understands that because of their own HD discs have been discontinued and now is buying Blu-Ray discs from Sony to start installing in their products. Blu-ray technology is the newest member of the DVD family. It costs a little more than regular DVD's because of its superior look. It uses a blue laser to give of a clearer and more vivid image.

Here Are The Top 20 Publishers In The Business, Ranked According To Cash Money Intake

It's been said a million times before, but bears repeating. Numbers. Are. Fun. And few numbers are as fun as those which allow us to pit the industry's publishers against one another in a struggle for financial supremacy. Edge have put together an exhaustive feature outlining who they believe the industry's top 20 publishers are, and while the bulk of the piece is given over to their own rankings based on their own opinion, we prefer these hard numbers. Above, you can see the world's top publishers ranked according to their global revenue, while after the jump, they're ranked on their profit/loss margins, which makes for a very different chart.

A lil to know about ps3 HOME

One of the most contraversial and exciting topics of the year from Sony corporation is the PS3 HOME. There have been rumors about this "social network" since the plans of it have been announced. One man has even gone so far as to record his beta test on PS3 HOME. If you want to see more of the amazing capabilities of PS3 HOME. Rumored to come out September 25th or sooner many cannot wait to get their hands on HOME. There are many new and innovative things that are going to be happening in HOME. Now instead of all your friends having to have the same game to play online you can take them straight into your game from HOME. Your house will have a trophy case in which your various trophies from your games can proudly be displayed. With every game you buy and play on your PS3 you will be given free clothes that match that of which is on the game. There are many different home environments too. You have many varieties of places in which you can live. You can live in Tokyo, New York, there are beach houses, and even a rumor of the moon. Now in this day and age of consoles wars this is one of the most important and advance roles that can possibly put Sony's Playstation 3 ahead of the rest of the pack.

Kojima hints at 'a Snake for a new era'

It was only a short time ago when Hideo Kojima and his team unleashed Metal Gear Solid 4 to the world. It's meant to be a farewell to the ten years of entertainment Snake has provided us. "One decade has passed since the release of Metal Gear Solid," Kojima explains to The Cut Scene. "I believe that fans have shared these past 10 years with Snake. The final story of Snake equals closure for these fans. Therefore, the Snake that has existed over the past 10 years could have only existed during this time."

Of course, what's next for Kojima? We don't know yet, but if it does involve some tactical espionage action, it will involve a completely different kind of character. "If there ever were to be a new Snake (might have a different name), he will be a Snake for a new era."

PS3 Now EA's Single Biggest Bread-Winner

What a difference a year makes. This time last year, sales of PS3 games accounted for only $13 million of EA's total net revenue. But this time this year? PS3 games account for $139 million in sales. Which is a 969% increase, and is miles ahead of 360 sales, which "only" made the company $81 million. Don't bother asking us how this happened, we have no idea. As for the other systems, the PC was the second-biggest earner at $86 million (perhaps contributing to EA Sport's about-face), with PS2 sales just behind the 360 at $79 million. If you're after the information path less trodden, click through for the full breakdown, which includes stuff like DS and mobile sales.

ps3 firmware update 2.42 is up

janus131 joins the site/podcast

Effects of a FF7 remake

Posted by Talk Playstation
on Jul.28, 2008 at 5:48 pm

If Final Fantasy VII got remade exclusively for the Playstation 3, what effect will it have on the market? First of all it will make everyone forget about FFXIII and all those Xbox 360 fans that wanted FFXIII on their system will suddenly change their minds. A FFVII remake will be gigantic and a HUGE system seller. FF7 remake is one of the most wanted games this generation.

Here’s some points on the effects an FF7 remake could produce.

* It could sell millions of PS3 units easily
* A never ending surge of sales
* Japan would explode
* Could it be the end of the console war?
* Would Microsoft try and buy rights for it to bring it to their console?
* It will either lead Sony to victory or do nothing, it depends how Square does it
* It will most likely be the best selling game this generation ever

I mentioned that IF a FFVII remake were to be done, Square Enix can’t mess with the game and has to do it right. They have to keep the game the same and can’t change a thing such as changing the battle system from the old turn-based. They need to keep it exactly the same but with this generation graphics.

More and more rumors are popping up all over the internet regarding FFVII. If a remake isn’t done, then it will be released on the Playstation Store as a classic, which probably won’t have as big an impact.

Any other effects it could have?

Xbox 360 Fall Dashboard 08 Leaked! ( running on Modded 360s)

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Why Gta IV let me down

Gaming Broke my Heart

Yeah, its true. Gaming broke my heart. Coming all the way from the NES to the PS3. So so much has changed. Yeah the graphics got more flashier and the gameplay got all complex, but thats not my point. There was a time when you didn't care what console you had. A PS1 was no different from a N64. Now when I think of video games I think of "Fanboys". Its really bad. So much changed so fast. When the economy fell the prices rose. Its a hard time for alot of people right now and these gaming companys are throwing these ads at people who can't afford what their advertising. It wasn't always like that. There was a time when a newer console was somewhat "expected" to be in your friends living rooms. Now if you have a PS3 people look at you like your rich. And my #1 thing that has changed, is the fun-factor. When it really comes down to it I had more fun playing Crash Bandicoot that Call of Duty 4. Games were so much simpiler that they were funner than they are today. And for anyone to sit here and tell me gaming is more fun now is just ridiculous. So thats whay Gaming broke my heart. I miss the gaming golden age.

IGN's PlayStation 3 Best of E3 2008 Awards

Friday, July 25, 2008

Gaming News EP#1 playstation uncensored

Xbox 360 Exclusive Or Bullet To The Head? Kaz Picks Bullet To The Head

Microsoft might have bagged a big PS3 exclusive at E3 with Final Fantasy XIII. But, Sony Computer Entertainment honcho Kaz Hirai really does not want any Xbox 360 exclusives. Like at all. Even abstractly! In an E3 interview with Swedenish daily Aftonbladet, Hirai reportedly says he'd take a bullet to the head over taking an Xbox 360 exclusive. Harsh! In the past few days, Microsoft and Sony have been trading barbs like crazy. It's like 2006 all over again. Anyway, here's the exchange, kindly translated by Kotakuite Mordochai:

Aftonbladet: If you had to choose ONE exclusive Xbox 360 title and launch it for the PS3 instead, which game would it be?
Hirai: I don't think I have to choose any.....
Aftonbladet: You have to pick one.
Hirai: Again, I don't think I have to pick one because we have such a fantastic lineup of games.
Aftonbladet: But if someone is holding a gun to your head and you have to choose one. Which game would it be?
Hirai: Okay.. then they have to shoot me, because I really don't think we need any.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Why the ps3 will win at the end

playstation uncensored girl of the week.tia carrera

click here to view pix
Editor in Chief, Playstation Uncensored creator
Host of Playstation Uncensored radio podcast show,
Leader of B.F.K clan

My playstation eye review

Monday, July 21, 2008

Why Copy?

As the gaming industry is growing every year and has surpassed the music and movie business, game companies are being pressured to come up with the knew "thing" that will amaze both gamers and non gamers alike. But as this is going on we continue to see the three gaming giants, that being Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft come up with similar ideas to due to coping and reiterating the idea. In my opinion (KillZone4190) instead of companies such as Microsoft, who is doing most of the copying such as the new dashboard interface and the avatars, they should block and not pay attention to the other competitors and focus on coming up with a fresh and rejuvenating idea that Nintendo and Sony would have never imagined. I mean theirs no point of having an avatar if you cant do much with it. Now Im not saying Sony has not copied either,they have there own version of achievements, but these are multi-billion dollar corporations people, i think they could spend a few bucks on something new

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sony sets goal of 150 Mill: WHAT?!

At this years E3 Sony's Kaz Hirai said they have a goal of selling 150 million PS3's in its life span. Now i have to ask this. WTF? Was he being serious? I think there is absolutley no chance of selling of 150 million consoles. We have two other consoles on the market right npw with the Xbox 360 and the Wii. Though Microsoft's Xbox has been slumping in sales, Nintendo's Wii has still been going strong selling 666,000 units in June. Sony has also been picking up in sales selling 405,000 consoles compared to Microsoft's 219,000. Though I don't think Sony will sell 150 million units, I think it will outsell the 360 in its life span. My predictons for Sony's sales is somewhere around 100-110 million consoles. Unless they come out with alot of genre-defying games, theres no way they will sell 150 mill. As for the 360, I'd say around 80-95 million consoles. I predict at some point in time Microsoft will give up on their 360. Because of the sales difference, Sony will win the console war.

Playstation 4 (PS4)

Friday, July 18, 2008

Sony's Playstation 3 is back on track

heStreet reports on their industry view of Sony and other industry players in this article about Sony's strategy and the results shown in the latest NPD numbers:

"Sony's latest PlayStation 3 console has stretched its lead over rival Microsoft's Xbox 360 last month, though it still lags behind Nintendo's Wii system, according to industry research firm The NPD Group.

Sony sold 405,500 PS3s, compared to 219,800 Xbox 360s but still has a long way to go before it catches up with the Wii, which sold 666,700 systems last month."

"Sony stumbled when it launched the expensive PS3 console a year-and-a-half ago and trailed its competitors for months. That's in contrast to its position as the clear market leader with the older PlayStation 2 console."

Click the link to read details of TheStreet's take on Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo and leading industry software developers.

Killzone 2 E3 2008: Trailer

E3 ‘08: The Agency Developer Walkthrough

Angry Video Game Nerd: Superman 64

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sony Releases PlayStation Sales Numbers

Many people have been doubting the growth and even the eventual success of the PlayStation name brand after slumping sales to begin the PS3 life, but recent sales may have turned them away. We have the official sale numbers right here for your viewing, and to be honest they don’t look bad at all.

The sale growth has not only gained impressive numbers on the PS3 console but Sony is seeing tremendous improvements along all 3 consoles on the board. PS3 Hardware Sales Exceed 311% Year-Over-Year with total PlayStation unit sales over the 405,000 mark. The sales of the Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle were a major help to the PS3 sales, and even beat out Xbox 360 sales by 84%. This year, the PlayStation name brand has already had a 90% sales increase year by year.

The overall growth in sales in June were 311% with a month to month growth of 94%. The exclusive Metal Gear Solid title was also the best selling video game with over 774,000 copies sold in the month of June. Other titles have also had a 300% growth with the PS3 hardware as well, which does not include the Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle. The PlayStation Network has also gained over 10 million account world wide with over 180 million downloads already purchased.

While this is amazing news on a business standpoint, this only marks the beginning for the PlayStation 3. With Metal Gear Solid 4 just the first blockbuster title to come out this year, we can expect sales to keep rising with such titles as Socom Confrontation, MotorStorm Pacific Rift, and the long awaited Resistance 2 hitting store shelves later this year.

With this exciting news, we can only expect Sony to keep delivering the goods.

Analyst: PS3 will catch up to Wii by 2011 - Joystiq

Analyst: PS3 will catch up to Wii by 2011 - Joystiq
You'll typically find that any words following a colon and the word "analyst" are interesting enough to merit some consideration, yet vague enough to pass as either calculated reasoning or transparent thumb sucking. Speaking to The Economist regarding recent Activision Blizzard mega merger, Screen Digest analyst Piers Harding-Rolls notes that consolidation makes sense in an industry where all of the competing consoles matter. Some currently matter more than most, but he suggests that in the future, it might not be the ones you expect.

Harding-Rolls reckons that by 2011, the PlayStation 3 will not only have surpassed the Xbox 360, but will have caught up with the wildly popular Wii's worldwide install base. Though the PlayStation 3 has fared better in Japan following a price drop, the results of the American cut have yet to be revealed. A notable increase in sales is likely, but will it result in a continuing trend that eventually puts it on par with the Wii? It certainly doesn't seem realistic today, but who (aside from the analysts) knows what things await in the year 2011? Perhaps our analytical friend is merely holding out for the inevitable reality tunneling device which would enable travel to a realm where all of this is true.

If you want proper closure though, be sure to bookmark this page and return to it after about four years. We'll be waiting.

EA expects PS3 to outsell 360 in 2008

Wii to dominate console sales with Sony's flagship console cementing second place

Electronic Arts has released estimates of what it thinks will be the range of hardware sales in North America and Europe through 2008, and while the Wii unsurprisingly leads, it's the PlayStation 3 that will hold a strong second place.

That will, according to the estimates, be particularly true in Europe, where EA expects the PlayStation 3 to sell between 5 and 6 million units across the year, compared to just 1.5-2.5 million for the Xbox 360.

That means that while the company thinks the two will tie in North America on 4.5 to 5.5 million unit sales, the two sets of numbers combined give Sony's flagship console a compelling 3.5 million lead.

The report predicts the Nintendo Wii will win the year, with a combined total of between 12 and 14 million units sold, while the PlayStation 2 will continue on its long tail drop-off, shifting between 3.9 and 4.9 million units.

That yields a total home console sales estimate for the two regions of between 31.4 and 38.4 million units.

The report also gives estimates for the year's handheld sales as well, noting the company's belief that it expects the Nintendo DS to outsell the PlayStation Portable by over 2-to-1.

According to the numbers the DS should shift between 14 and 16 million units, while the PSP will sell around 6 to 8 million units, giving a combined handheld total for the year of between 20 and 24 million.

Combined console estimates for 2008 are as follows:

Nintendo Wii: 12-14 million
PlayStation 3: 9.5-11.5 million
Xbox 360: 6-8 million
PlayStation 2: 3.9-4.9 million

Combined handheld estimates for 2008 are as follows:

Nintendo DS: 14-16 million
PlayStation Portable: 6-8 million

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dont worry, Sony has more exclusives lined up

According to Sev1512 of PlayStationLifeStyle,

"Just because no new exclusives (other than MAG) were announced at the Sony Press Conference doesn't mean Sony wasn't showing off new exclusive(s) ... This is basically just a heads up to let the Sony fans out there know there is more on the way."

E3 LittleBigPlanet level was created in 2 days

Joystiq had the chance to speak with Media Molecule's Alex Evans about his participation in Sony's E3 2008 press conference. He declared it took him 2 days to create the level demonstrated.

IGN Says Motorstorm 2 has come a LONG way in only two months

When IGN last saw MotorStorm: Pacific Rift at Sony's Judge's Day back in May, it was very early and didn't look good. It ran very poorly, there were constant graphical glitches, and it looked like Evolution Studios had a long, long and perhaps impossible road ahead of itself to prepare the game for release sometime this year.

Only two months later, the game is fun as hell, runs great and looks awesome. They're amazed at studio has come so far so quickly, but this is the sequel to MotorStorm that I've been waiting to see since the original's release.

It's also worth noting that they were able to play a split-screen race and the game handled everything extremely well. Visual parity between a single and split-screen race will have to be checked out at a later time when I'm able to repeat the same area multiple times, but what they saw was rather impressive.

MotorStorm: Pacific Rift is currently slated to ship with 16 tracks, and will feature Trophy support and… wait for it… custom soundtracks. There's no firm release date yet, but we should see it sometime before the end of the year.

E308 mgs4 on 360 impossible says sony

CEO of SCEA Jack Tretton talks up PS3’s power as he shoots down this week’s big rumour

Following fervent speculation that Metal Gear Solid 4 would follow Final Fantasy in becoming a PlayStation-associated brand that moves onto Xbox 360, SCEA CEO Jack Tretton has argued no other console could handle the technical demands of Konami’s the Konami title.

Speaking to assembled press at the platform holder's conference in LA earlier today, Tretton added that the Blu-Ray capabilities of PS3 had already seen of HD-DVD – and would now see off the company’s console competition.

“PS3 offers an experience for both gamers and developers no other console can match,” he said.

“Metal Gear Solid is not only exclusive on PS3 – it’s only possible on PS3, thanks in part to Blu-Ray.“

He added: "PS3 drove the Blu-Ray format to victory and now the Blu-Ray format is poised to return the favour.”

Uncharted getting Trophy support by mid-August

As with other PS3 titles getting retroactive Trophy support, Uncharted will require those who’ve already completed the game to play through again in order to unlock Trophies, even if they had previously earned every Medal. Wells says this is primarily to prevent people from simply using someone else’s save data to artificially bolster their Trophy collection. Shame on you for even thinking about it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

E3 2008: Sony Conference Home Trailer

Home (PSN) E3 2008: Sony Conference Home Trailer

E3 2008: God of War 3 Teaser

Sony E3 2008: What The F*** Was THAT?!

Today was Sony's E3 press conference and i have only one word, "wow". I honestly have no idea what they were thinking. I was expecting to just be amazed after the press conference but it fell well short of amazing. The biggest thing there was the movie and TV service and i will give them credit for launching that tonight. But other than that E3 for Sony was just embaressing. One thing Sony does is linger on the past, and it didn't fail today. Jack must have mentioned MGS4 10 times. And then came the big suprise. Ratchet and Cank: Quest for Booty. Like nobody saw that coming. Another good thing Sony did was their LBP presentation. On the other hand thats all they carry around. LBP, Home, and Resistance 2. Now don't get me wrong i can't wait for Resistance 2, but they show the trailer, then show a preview of games with the same exact trailer. Same thing happened this year that happened last year. They gave us games that aren't going to come out for a long time, knowing Sony. Although I think Resistance for the PSP was good because it will be released right on time. But MAG was just uncalled for. Anybody who knows any thing about the game should know it won't come out until 2010. You can put your money on that. My final grade for Sony at E3 2008 is a C-. It was mediocre at best. With "surprises" that we already knew about, they were sure to fail.

E3 08: Resistance: Retribution Announced for PSP

A new PSP game, Resistance: Retribution, was announced today at Sony’s E3 Press Conference.

More updates will come in as more news breaks.

No Home Release Date Announced

At their E3 Press Conference, Sony released a new video of PlayStation Home that didn’t show much that we didn’t already know. More interestingly was the omission of a release date for the free service.

We will have more on this as any more information is released.

GTTV to launch on August 1

SCEA just confirmed that Gran Turismo TV will launch on August 1, viewable through GT5 Prologue.

The service will featur free and pay-per-view content, including things like a look into the Ferrari factory, car reviews, and more.

Resident Evil 5: E3 2008: Microsoft Press Conference Walkthrough

here’s that Final Fantasy XIII trailer

Monday, July 14, 2008

Why FF 13 on the 360 doesn't matter.

Now we all know Final Fantasy 13 will be on the PS3. But today at Microsofts E3 2008 press conference, they released some startling news. FFXIII will be released on the 360. Now I know all of you PS3 fanboys are crying, but don't worry. People are saying "experience PS3 on 360". Well, this is far from the truth. Heres the top 5 list why FFXIII on 360 doesn't matter.

5. The PS3 still has FF Versus

4. The Ps3 still will have a better library in the end.

3. Maybe some sort of PS3 exclusive DLC for FFXIII will surface.

2. If a FFVII is re-made, it will probably be a PS3 exclusive.

1. Tommorow is Sony's press conference and they're being really quiet about it. My inside source tells me Sony is going to release a Rockstar exclusive that will be the face of the PS3. Kind of how GTA was for the PS2. Either way, something BIG is coming at E3 from Sony.

E3: Versus Xlll remains playstaion 3 exclusive

The Square Enix press conference has just began with a Q&A session. Everyone are focusing on the recent Final Fantasy XIII announcent, and when asked regarding Versus XIII Hashimoto said it is still a PlayStation 3 exclusive.