Wednesday, July 16, 2008

E3 LittleBigPlanet level was created in 2 days

Joystiq had the chance to speak with Media Molecule's Alex Evans about his participation in Sony's E3 2008 press conference. He declared it took him 2 days to create the level demonstrated.


Anonymous said...

this means it will only take me two days do my own presentation

playstation uncensored said...

hell ya and that was a real nice one also

Anonymous said...


You are symbiotic bitch, a leach. You can't think of anything for yourself quoting Mrs esko, "PLAYSTATION UNORIGINAL." Your website is garbage, your podcast is TRASH, REALLY TRASH?...Yeah it's TRASH! SINCE YOU GOT NO GAME, I CAN'T TELL YOU TO STEP UP, but I can tell you to get a FUCKIN LIFE and stop goin on my boys youtube page and tryin to downplay it when you can't do nothing for yourself. BEST BELIEVE I GOT MY "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK" but keep playin catch up, follow the leader, and copy and paste and well have some new shit for your BITCH ASS.
posted by esko and The G.O.S CREW