Monday, July 21, 2008

Why Copy?

As the gaming industry is growing every year and has surpassed the music and movie business, game companies are being pressured to come up with the knew "thing" that will amaze both gamers and non gamers alike. But as this is going on we continue to see the three gaming giants, that being Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft come up with similar ideas to due to coping and reiterating the idea. In my opinion (KillZone4190) instead of companies such as Microsoft, who is doing most of the copying such as the new dashboard interface and the avatars, they should block and not pay attention to the other competitors and focus on coming up with a fresh and rejuvenating idea that Nintendo and Sony would have never imagined. I mean theirs no point of having an avatar if you cant do much with it. Now Im not saying Sony has not copied either,they have there own version of achievements, but these are multi-billion dollar corporations people, i think they could spend a few bucks on something new


playstation uncensored said...

first article what do you guys think

Anonymous said...

ill post it on n4g 4 u and the home page i have to post rayray also

Unknown said...

you fanboys really need to stop with the bullshit! Here are a list of things that sony has copied as well since every one wants to try and put the copy blame on microsoft.
Online service in general(not for xbox 1 you might not have the gaming exp you have now.) Trophies, in game music, psn link, video chat, rumble controller(n64 had it first) six axis (poor copy of wiimote)when they first anounced ps3 with the boomerang controller they did not have any motion. Video downloads, psn games(xbla since the first xbox)chat features(dream cast) i could go on and on and on. But you fanboys need to stop talking about bullshit if you was so happy with your system you wouldnt feel the need to talk about bullshit like this. Worrying about who is coping who is so fuckng childish you need to stop. How old are you any way. Everybody copied off of atari so every body need to shut the fuck up.