Sunday, August 31, 2008

tekken 6 delayed until 2009

It looks like fighting fans may have to wait just a bit longer for Tekken 6 to hit the PS3. Earlier today, the Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion upgrade was announced for the arcade version of Tekken 6. Like Dark Resurrection, Bloodline Rebellion should add new stages, sound tracks, costumes, characters, and bug fixes to the existing version of Tekken 6. Bloodline Rebellion will hit arcades in December of this year.

Originally slated for a 2008 release, the console version of Namco Bandai's fighter was sidelined in order to get its other fighting franchise, Soul Calibur IV, out on the market. The console version of Tekken 6 will be most likely be delayed to incorporate these new updates, possibly even into 2009.

Friday, August 29, 2008


You can now pre-load pre-Spore if you pre-order the pre-game
Electronic Arts announced that those who pre-ordered the PC version of Spore can now pre-load the game and be among the first to start playing on the day of release. Spore was developed by EA Maxis and is due to ship on September 5th 2008 in Europe and September 7th 2008 in North America, for PC, Mac, DS and mobile phones. Spore is a simulation game that will take you from the origin and evolution of life through the development of civilization and technology and eventually all the way into the deepest reaches of outer space. You will begin your odyssey at the dawn of life as a simple microbe just trying to survive, then use the fun, intuitive Editors to evolve the creature from its microscopic origins into an intelligent, tool-using race. You will guide your species as it builds (and the player designs) villages, buildings, cities, and vehicles. Along the way to becoming a global civilization you can choose whether to hunt or forage, attack or trade, be nice or play rough.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What are Game Developers Thinking

Killzone2 Hands On

Killzone 2, while pretty freaking gorgeous, has been a bit of a tough sell since we started going hands-on with the game around E3 time. The graphics can’t seem to make up for the been-there-done-that feel that the gameplay provides, not differentiating itself enough from the FPS competition. A prettier, more sci-fi Call of Duty 4, in summary. So while the single-player could still use some more innovation, the developers are clearly putting all that and more into the multiplayer component, which is easily one of the most promising online experiences on the PS3.

Killzone 2 multiplayer is class-based, complete with ranks, tournaments, persistent experience and unlocks. But there are several elements that really set the experience apart. Lets go through them now:

1) The Graphics
It’s been said before, butt Killzone 2’s graphics rock my socks. They are some of the best we’ve ever seen in any game, and incredibly, those graphics don’t even drop a hitch when you play online. There is no noticable visual difference between the online and single-player graphics, which means it may very well be the best looking online game ever. So woo for that!

2) The Badge System
Badges make up Killzone 2’s class structure. There are five primary badges for your standard character classes. These range from Assault to Heavy Weapons to Scout to Engineer, and so forth. Now picking a primary badge does not only select your primary weapon load-out (there are multiple weapon options per primary badge), it selects your ability. The Medic, for example, has the predictable ability to revive fallen comrades. The Assault badge has a booster injection that lets you run much faster than normal. Scouts can actually cloak themselves. Very cool indeed.

But that’s not all. You can also pick a secondary badge, which determines yet another skill. For example, the Medic’s secondary badge allows him to throw down medkits for teammates (or yourself) to use. The Scout drops a beacon which scans the area and pops enemies up on friendly radar.

But the best part is that you’re not limited to picking both Medic badges. If you want to be able to revive people, but also be able to perform radar scans, you can select the Medic badge as your primary and the Scout as a secondary. You can mix and match each of the five badges, resulting in way more character classes than you’d expect. Plus, add in the different weapon loadouts for each badge and you really can create your character from the ground up.

3) Multiplayer Missions
In Call of Duty 4 (or most multiplayer games), you select a mode and stick with it. Domination, Search and Destroy, etc. Killzone 2 allows you to customize everything about your matches, including the ability to mix and match several modes in the same multiplayer match.

So say you’re playing a Capture the Flag variant. You recover the object, winning a point for your team. Instead of just doing the same thing all over again until the timer runs out, the game immediately switches to another mode…Assassination, for example. There’s no load screen, you’re just in the next mode, with your point carrying over from CTF. In a single match you can queue up a wide variety of different modes, which ensures that multiplayer shouldn’t get stale anytime soon.

4) Web-based Stats
It’ll be hard to match the powerhouse that is, but Guerrilla and SCEA are definitely going to try. will allow folks to track all of their personal stats, kill ratios and the current status and roster of their clan. It’ll give you info on upcoming tournies and allow you to see who’s the best around the world. What better way to procrastinate at work than to see if you’ve got the most melee kills with the rocket launcher?

5) It’s Not SOCOM
SOCOM has a huge following, but people generally feel a little overwhelmed by the still that folks have online. For fans, it’s great…for newbies it’s a nightmare. Killzone 2’s more cooperative modes allow you to hang in the back of the lines and provide support, lay down turrets, and so forth. You don’t need to be a twitch master to succeed here…but it helps!

So there you have it. Hopefully that gives you a taste of what you can expect. While the single player in Killzone 2 should be a fun jaunt, it appears the multiplayer is going to be this game’s bread and butter, and we can’t wait to hop online and pwn some Helghast in the coming months.”

Monday, August 25, 2008


Ps3 is closing the gap between 360. The ps3 is been playing couch up and that gad is slowly closing on the 360. The 360 price drop cant stop it. So i cant wait to see what this fall is going to look like. The ps3 is really rolling out the big guns. This fall the open beta of home is coming and so is littlebigplanet. With that two things right there could keep the ps3 on top. But that's not all Sony has they have monster storm 2 resistance 2 and every good 3rd party game that the the 360 is getting. The games coming out this fall for the ps3 are amazing and the 360 it just cant find any loop hole to try and save it self. The games that Sony is pushing out this fall well help the ps3 win the console war. So all i can say to you is that the PS3 IS KILLING

Folding@home DaW team

Folding @ Home may seem complicated when you look and read about it but really it isn't at all. Folding @ Home is funded by Stanford University. What they did instead of getting a super computer which costs millions of dollars is made a deal with Sony. This software studies the foldings and misfoldings of proteins which can cause cancer and many other diseases. So Stanford sends a little bit of a model of folding and misfolding proteins. Your PS3 runs the model through and then sends all of the information back to Stanford in which case they send your PS3 another model. So in its simplest form Folding @ Home can cure cancer. As my friends and I have theorized not only does "Folding Home" help Stanford but it also helps boost your internet connection for online play. Please join our Folding @ Home team. The team number is 118417. To join the team go into your Folding @ Home application. Hit triangle and go to identity. Then click join team. Next type in the team number you want to join (118417) and click ok

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Home is almost here

With home now coming out for sure some time this year. I know it cant live up to the hype. Why do i say this only because poeple expect it to be some thing its not. Home was made just for poeple to interact with each other. Its not some sexel game with real people. Home has rulls so its not secand life. Home is not a game its a community its like a town. With millions of people in it. Sony has spent 40 million dollars on home. So you know its going to be good but it cant live up to the hype.

Home to me cant go rong because i only just want home to see my friends avatars and see there home and just chill. So a cant wait but if your some one who wants home to be an ass and try to do stupid things like steal things. You wont be able to because sony well kick you out. To me this is great so i can just chill with my firends. Home is going to change the web gaming and the why we interact with are online friends.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Killzone 2 co-op to be patched after launch, bots confirmed

After watching the Killzone 2 multiplayer trailer, we wondered how much more fun the game's online mode would be without your typical multiplayer douche. Well, now we can find out! The upcoming FPS will, indeed, feature bots. These will be fully customizable difficulty-wise, and can fill in for players either online or offline, allowing any Billy-No-Mates to enjoy a friendly match every once in a while.

Additionally, vehicles are currently only available in the single player mode. Multiplayer vehicles will be patched in after the game is released. Also being patched post-launch is a co-op mode for the story. Whether this will be online or not, we're not entirely certain. Considering the long delay Killzone has suffered enjoyed, we're surprised this won't be included from the get-go. Perhaps we'll have to pay for it, but we're used to that by now, right? Be sure to check out our full Killzone 2 hands-on impressions, coming soon.

Update: Guerrilla has a history of making free DLC with Killzone: Liberation (PSP). They released an Infrastructure multiplayer mode and an extra single player level months after the game's release.

Killzone 2 Multiplayer Hands On - Five Good Things

I spent the better part of an hour today playing through several rounds of Killzone 2 multiplayer at Sony's Games Convention 2008 headquarters, and rather than spend several paragraphs lying about how well I did, I figured I'd just round up the finer points of the session and present them here in easy-to-ingest numbered form.

5.Combat Itself: Killzone 2 multiplayer manages to maintain the fluid speed of the single player experience without sacrificing the looks that get the game featured in so many “look how pretty this game is” magazine spreads. Combat takes place at the perfect speed for me - not Unreal quick, but not Lost Planet slow. Just right.

4. Spawning Mechanics: Dying in Killzone 2 multiplayer brings up a map of possible spawn points, as well as a camera displaying what is going on at each locations, allowing you to pick the location that best fits your play style. When playing with a squad, players can choose to respawn on their squad leader to get right back into the action. Very handy when your squad leader finds himself all alone guarding an objective with tons of enemy inbound.

3. The Badge System: The Badge system represents the different classes you can play in multiplayer, from scout to engineer to medic. Each of the six badges have their own skill sets. Where Killzone 2 makes things interesting is that you can combine the power of two badges to create your own class based on your own particular play style. Want an engineer with healing skills? A stealthy soldier with a bazooka? Knock yourself out!

2. Dynamic Missions: Instead of playing one mission type and then waiting for the new map to load before beginning another, Killzone 2 features dynamic missions, which allows you and your friends to play through multiple game types on one map without loading.

1. Fully Destructible Toilets: Yes, I checked.

While I never was a big fan of the original game, Killzone 2's multiplayer is definitely an impressive effort. Of course the experience of playing with 8 people in the same room when you can yell at them when they team kill you is one thing, and true online multiplayer is another, but they are off to a very entertaining start.

MK vs. DC: Joker Will Shoot You In The Face

This Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe video should put any fears to rest that the game won't ship with a respectable amount of murder intact. The game's producer, Hector Sanchez, walks us through the Joker's move set, explaining that "Rage Mode" that we half-understood during our latest hands-on with the title. Mr. Sanchez ends it with a bang, demonstrating how the Joker takes people out, Mortal Kombat style.

If you haven't seen this one yet, don't skip it. It's full of win.

Sony: LittleBigPlanet *Not* Region-Locked

And that comes from SCE Development. In PlayStation's Europe message board, he says the producer who spoke yesterday was confused when he said LittleBigPlanet would be region-locked. All shared levels will be available in the game worldwide. Verbatim from Sony:

Hi all, as many of you may have heard already in an interview at Leipzig the senior producer for LittleBigPlanet announced that the game is region locked. This is in fact not the case, and all shared levels in the game will be available worldwide. The confusion arose out of regional differences in how moderation will work as there are different legal rules each region have to play by, and at one point this looked like it may require the game to be independent in each region - however this has been worked around and there will only be one region for the game.... a LittleBigRegion.

Sony Playstation 3 at Leipzig game event (Gaming News Ep#4)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Assassin's Creed

This game is absolutely amazing. There is nothing else you can say about it. The graphics are so realistic that you find yourself really getting into this game. The gameplay is flawless. If you are someone that is not good at strategy games or doesn't like them this is not a game for you. The main point of this game is to follow the target that you are to assassinate and wait for the perfect oppurtunity to strike. It isn't as easy said as done, though. There are always guards and when on an assassination mission as soon as they see you they become alerted of your presence and begin to chase you through the city.

One of our favorite things about this game are the chases. You end up running balls to the walls through the city until you break the gaurds line of sight. Once you have escaped their sight you must hide. You can either hide in one of the many rooftop gardens, dive into a haystack, or blend in with a crowd of monks.

This game is highly recommended. If you don't have an online connection for your PS3 then this will be an excellent addition to your collection of games if you do have internet it will still be a good game to pick up and play.


Warhawk Also A Good Game

Warhawk was one of the first games to be an all online play game. Some people were apprehensive about the fact that there was no story mode. This still hasn't affected the large number of players that play this daily. In fact this just gives it a new interesting aspect. Don't think that you get nothing out of it though. As you rank up you unlock new clothes for your character, new designs for your warhawk plane, and many other things. For first time players it may seem confusing. The first reason it is a little confusing when you start is that the controls are automatically inverted. Another reason that the game is difficult is that the flying controls hard to get a handle of. To fly first you have take of then activate the turbo and then actually use the turbo. All in all Warhawk is a great game that attracts half a million people every day. It is highly recommended for a backup game.

Call Of Duty 5 No Love

No love for call of duty 5. The gamers that have Call of duty 4 were very sad to here that the modern warfare first person shouter the COD they love is going back to WW2. So is this good for COD5 in one why it well hart it because people well say threes to many WW2 games out there and the guns that wont be in the game. This well also help the game out because if people get this game and think it going to suck and if its any good. They well be very Happy. So well COD5 be any good we well have to what and see. Tell me what you think below.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

ps3 bluetoothkeypad

For PlayStation 3 fans who want to do more than mash buttons when playing games on the console, Sony Corp. is introducing a wireless keypad that can be attached to the system's controller for typing and Web browsing.

The Bluetooth-enabled keypad, available in November, is intended to make it easier to chat during multiplayer games. Currently players talk to each other over headsets with microphones. Gamers tired of hearing inane banter from their peers may welcome the ability to put down their earpieces and communicate through typing instead.

Another feature is a button on the keypad that will let users turn it into a touch pad and use the entire surface as a mouse by sliding their finger over the surface. This, Sony says, will make it easier to browse the Web using the console.

There is already a wireless "ThumbPad" ($30) available for the PS3 from Mad Catz Inc., but this is a first from Sony itself. Sony has not yet announced a price.

Sony's gaming arm also said Wednesday at a gaming convention in Leipzig, Germany, that it has updated its PlayStation Portable system. The enhanced PSP will feature a new LCD screen with a wider gamut of colors, antireflection technology and a built-in microphone that was not available on previous systems. Players can use the microphone to make Skype calls and talk to other gamers during multiplayer sessions.

Sony will begin selling the new PSP Oct. 14 for $200 as part of a bundle with "Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters," a game whose two heroes embark on an intergalactic search for a kidnapped girl. Another bundle with the new PSP and a 4-gigabyte memory stick will be available for the same price in November. The standalone system will cost $170 and is due out by the end of the year.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Playstation Uncensored radio show #32

dt racer refueled

drivers must be prepared to bring everything they've got onto the tracks as they find themselves racing for their reputation, honor, and ultimately, their lives. Relying on speed alone is no longer enough as explosives and weapons are used on a regular basis making violence the ultimate means to an end in the underground racing world.
* When speed isn't enough in the underground racing, violence becomes
* RPG mode allows players to get a feel for the track, learn how to proficiently use items, and gain experience to build up the necessary skills to survive.
* 18 different courses based on the real cities.
* Customize your car from a selection of 33 cars.
* Intense and brutal crashes leading to spectacular explosions on the track.
* Impressive gameplay and easy to use controls allows for sleek car maneuvers.
* High intensity graphics and sounds.
* Extensive and exciting soundtrack with 10+ songs.
* Realistic damage dealt to cars after crashes and attacks.
gt racer refueled is schedule to be out on ps2, psp, wii august 26

Dragonforce Guitar Hero III track pack available this week

Another Guitar Hero III track pack is ready to be released this week. the Dragonforce track pack will include three tracks from the English speed metal band, including "Heroes Of Our Time," the debut single from their upcoming album "Ultra Beatdown." The other two tracks are "Revolution Deathsquad" and "Operation Ground Pound," both from their third album "Inhuman Rampage." The track pack will be released worldwide on August 21st.

Dragonforce fans will no doubt be ecstatic at the idea of not only playing three more of their songs on Guitar Hero III, but also shredding along to "Heroes Of Our Time" before the album is even released. For non-Dragonforce fans, this is probably only a worthwhile purchase if you're in need of a hardcore Guitar Hero III challenge. We just hope they're a bit easier than "Through The Fire And The Flames."

Dive into BioShock: October 21st

Take Two has just announced that the upcoming PS3 port of BioShock will hit US store shelves on October 21st. An international release is planned for just three days later: October 24th. This means the game will appear on Sony's home console exactly 14 months after the original PC/Xbox 360 release.

BioShock on PS3 will be enhanced with a new difficulty mode, Trophy support and exclusive DLC. Retailers, like and GameStop, are both taking pre-orders now.

Trophies: NBA 09 The Inside

Bronze Trophies

* Franchise - Win the NBA FInals: Win the NBA title - any year, any skill setting
* Quick Play - Defeat 5 NBA Teams - Hall of Fame: Defeat 5 NBA Teams - Hall of Fame skill setting, 5 min + qtrs & no spotting points
* Mini Games - Rabbit: Win a game - Minimum All-Star skill setting & opponent overall rating 85+
* Mini Games - Blacktop Golf: Score 70 or less points - Minimum All-Star skill setting
* Mini Games - 1-on-1: Win by 5 points - Minimum All-Star skill setting & opponent overall rating 85+
* Mini Games - 2-on-2: Win by 5 points - Minimum All-Star skill setting & opponent overall rating 85+
* Mini Games - 3-on-3: Win by 5 points - Minimum All-Star skill setting & opponent overall rating 85+
* Mini Games - Own The Court: Win by 8 points - Minimum All-Star skill setting & opponent overall rating 85+
* Mini Games - 3-Point Shootout: Win by 5 points - Minimum All-Star skill setting & opponent overall rating 85+
* Mini Games - PlayStation Skills Challenge: Win by 3 seconds - Minimum All-Star skill setting & opponent overall rating 85+
* NBA Replay: The Season - Complete First Half of Mode: Complete 15 Spotlights - Meet the Challenge - Minimum All-Star skill setting
* Player Progression - Advance 5 to 70+: Advance 5 Progression Players to an Overall Rating of 70+ for each player
* Online 5 Game Winner - Win 5 online games

Silver Trophies

* The Life - Story #1 Completed: Complete Story #1 - Minimum All-Star skill setting
* The Life - Story #2 Completed: Complete Story #2 - Minimum All-Star skill setting
* The Life - Story #3 Completed: Complete Story #3 - Minimum All-Star skill setting
* Franchise - Win 3 NBA Finals: Win 3 NBA titles - any years, any skill setting
* Quick Play - Defeat 15 NBA Teams - Hall of Fame: Defeat 15 NBA Teams - Hall of Fame skill setting, 5 min + qtrs & no spotting points
* NBA Replay: The Season - Complete Entire Mode: Complete all 30 Spotlights - Meet the Challenge - Minimum All-Star skill setting
* Player Progression - Advance 5 to 80+: Advance 5 Progression Players to an Overall Rating of 80+ for each player
* Online 10 Game Winner - Win 10 online games

Gold Trophies

* The Life - All 3 Stories Completed: Complete all 3 stories - Minimum All-Star skill setting
* Franchise - Complete 20 year Franchise with 5+ NBA Titles: Complete 20 year Franchise with 5+ NBA Titles - any skill setting
* Quick Play - Defeat 30 NBA Teams - Hall of Fame: Defeat all 30 NBA Teams - Hall of Fame skill setting, 5 min + qtrs & no spotting points
* NBA Replay: The Season - Complete Entire Mode including all Extra Mile Goals: Complete all 30 Spotlights - Extra Mile - Minimum All-Star skill setting
* Player Progression - Advance 5 to 90+: Advance 5 Progression Players to an Overall Rating of 90+ for each player
* Online 25 Game Winner - Win 25 online games

Platinum Trophies

* 100% Clear

Resident Evil 5: the Leipzig trailer

Another games convention, another trailer for Resident Evil 5. Not that we're complaining, of course. It looks absolutely breathtaking, and we're glad it's coming ever-so-closer to release. Let's hope that Capcom doesn't reveal too much before the game actually comes out -- some of the most terrifying things about the franchise are the surprises they keep hidden away from us.

Afrika: the complete trailer

Okay, so it's not from Leipzig, but considering the other two trailers that were released tonight, we thought it wise to highlight this trailer for the PS3-exclusive Afrika. Unlike the Japanese commercial for the game, this trailer looks rather exciting -- the opposite of sleep-inducing if you ask us. The National Geographic branding certainly adds a bit more weight to the authenticity of this unique nature observation game. Hopefully, we'll see a localized release announced in the coming weeks.

Win a trip to Tokyo with Metal Gear Online [Update]

Fancy a trip to Tokyo with five of your friends? Konami has announced that a European Metal Gear Online Tournament will begin very shortly which will allow you to win exactly that. Check out the official website and sign up today and you'll take part in one of the preliminary tournaments over the next few weeks. These will be straight Team Deathmatch games, with the best two teams being flown to Tokyo for the world final (indicating that Japanese and American tournaments should be announced soon) during the Tokyo Game Show.

Tokyo Game Show takes place from the 9th to the 13th of October, so it's probably best that you make sure you're free for those dates before taking part. Over 250 teams will be competing, which sounds a lot, but really you've got a 1-in-125 chance of going through. Pretty good odds, if you ask us. If you play MGO regularly in a team you'd be stupid to pass this opportunity up. So go for it and, if you win, let us know. We'll see you in Tokyo!

Killzone 2: the Leipzig trailer

The Killzone 2 trailer from Leipzig is all about multiplayer -- and that's a good thing, because we're absolutely psyched to go online with the game. If you haven't read up on Killzone's various multiplayer modes, here's a chance to brush up on some of our previous coverage:

steet fighter IV

According to Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li movie producer Patrick Aiello, the movie will be released to coincide with that of Street Fighter IV.
Capcom is releasing Street Fighter IV in 2009, which is the 20th anniversary of the game. The film and game release dates will coincide,how much of the game will coincide with the story because ours is a very partitioned off origin story of the Street Fighter universe.

The movie is currently scheduled for release in March 2009, suggesting we'll be seeing the home console editions (possibly PC) of Street Fighter IV before the first quarter of 2009 is out.

NBA LIVE 09 Online Team Play

Electronic Arts has released a new set of screenshots from NBA LIVE 09, showcasing this game which will be available on October 7 in North America, and on October 14 worldwide, for the Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, PS2 and PSP. This year's global cover athletes are Tony Parker, Pau Gasol (Spain), Andrea Bargnani (Italy) and Luol Deng (England).

505 Games Signs ArmA 2

505 Games today announced they have signed a publishing agreement with Bohemia Interactive to bring ArmA 2 to Europe in Q1 2009. The sequel is set in a near future, year 2009, in a fictional state of Chernarus, a post-Soviet country where civil war raged for over 2 painful years. As a leader of USMC Force Recon team, you are sent with your squad to prevent further civilian casualties and ensure ongoing stability in Chernarus. ArmA 2 promises to deliver a large-scale game world, authentic and extremely detailed modern units, weapons, vehicles and environments, challenging single player and a vast array of multiplayer options.

Lots of great fun when undressing beautiful opponents

Torquemada Games announced that a new opponents pack for their successful game Video Strip Poker Supreme will be released at the end of this month. Included in the new pack, called Fall 2008, are six sexy opponents to play against.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Just Buy a Playstation 3 People !!!!!

SOCOM Confrontation beta goes global, Europe gets access on 9/1 as well

Just like your friends across the Atlantic, European gamers will be able to enjoy the SOCOM Confrontation beta on September 1st. In fact, the beta will be global so players from Asia, America, Europe and Oceania will be able to play each other all on the same day (unlike some other beta programs). Each region will have different methods of acquiring access to the beta, so keep a sharp eye out at your local retailer for any pre-order incentives they may have.

All PS3 Music Peripherals Will Kind Of Work Together

Is there anything more annoying than having to buy all these expensive music games only to find out that some instrument peripherals aren't compatible with the other games? I mean, who has room for two or three drum sets? Well, it looks like we're one step closer to complete harmony on that front as Sony made an announcement on their official blog today stating all instruments for the upcoming PS3 versions of Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero: World Tour, and Rock Revolution will be compatible with each other.

For the most part, this means that the titles with musical peripherals will work with the other’s software.

A few specific examples include: Guitar Hero: World Tour’s guitars and drums will work with Rock Band 2 and Konami’s Rock Revolution software.

And yes, you guessed it, Rock Band 2’s guitar and drum set will work with Guitar Hero: World Tour and with Rock Revolution.

Conversely, Rock Revolution’s drum set will work with both Guitar Hero: World Tour and Rock Band 2.

In addition, Guitar Hero: World Tour and Rock Band 2 will both support the SingStar microphones.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Look like Amazon is out of the MGS4 bundle again....

Was just over at looking at some games I was interested in and I realized that once again, they are out of the MGS4 80GB PS3(hows that for some acronyms). Its nice to see that the PS3 is still selling like hot cakes on there, especially when half the people on this site are crying price cut. Now, by the time you read this (if anyone reads this) they might have some back up, but I think this shows the the PS3 is doing just fine. Oh and same goes for Wii fit, that seems to be out too(but thats always out), and Mario Cart Wii. The point I'm trying to make is that with the system still selling strong why would they feel forced to make a price cut? Maybe they'll start feeling more pressured once that new 360 price cut is put into play.

17 Videos Direct from PS3 Home Beta

Home is coming along nicely and we keep our fingers crossed its availability for everyone will be sooner rather than later. If you've applied for the next round of Beta testers, good luck!

We have a special treat for you this morning thanks to a generous anonymous tipster who put a lot of effort into what you're about to see.

The following videos were taken from the original Playstation Home Beta and the just-updated expansion. The newer videos are towards the top, including the trailer for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull as watched in the Home movie theater.

It should be noted that each "area" of Home such as the movie theater, game room and so on must be downloaded separately when entering them for the first time. At approximately 50MB per area this could take a serious chunk out of one's hard drive.

With any luck we'll have some more first-look Home footage to share in the near future. Until then, enjoy the whopping 17 videos of Playstation 3's Home Beta in action.


American Hardware and Software Chart for Week Ending Aug 9th, 2008

VGChartz reports that their estimate for American hardware and software chart for week Ending Aug 9th, 2008 is as follows:

Total Hardware: [Last Week #]

DSL: 145,021 (-28%) [200,223]
Wii: 90,895 (-14%) [105,974]
PSP: 64,890 (-9%) [71,507]
360: 63,079 (-30%) [89,568]
PS3: 50,352 (+23%) [41,027]
PS2: 37,502 (-6%) [39,961]

Top 10 Software:

1 Soul Calibur IV (360) 104,253 402,289
2 Wii Sports (Wii) 90,895 13,518,003
3 Wii Fit (Wii) 76,173 1,637,512
4 Soul Calibur IV (PS3) 69,156 236,514
5 Wii Play (Wii) 57,002 6,873,490
6 Mario Kart Wii (Wii) 55,255 2,805,048
7 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3) 49,157 1,174,019
8 NCAA Football 09 (360) 32,822 455,380
9 Guitar Hero: On Tour (DS) 30,599 679,388
10 Pokemon Diamond / Pearl (DS) 28,113 5,454,815

Software Totals: [Last Week Total]

DSL: 915,023 (-6%) [971,783] Tie Ratio: 4.38
360: 804,679 (-24%) [1,063,210] Tie Ratio: 9.30
Wii: 799,252 (-8%) [867,297] Tie Ratio: 6.18
PS3: 465,060 (-20%) [583,000] Tie Ratio: 6.54
PS2: 312,826 (-2%) [319,965] Tie Ratio: n/a
PSP: 204,103 (-8%) [222,171] Tie Ratio: 4.01

Parents Let Kid Drop Out of High School to Focus on Guitar Hero

Let's try to keep the bad parenting bait to a minimum for this one, folks, but holy crow, I can't not show you this story. Yesterday reader tooji tipped me off to the story of Blake Peebles, a 16-year-old in Raleigh, N.C., whose parents have let him drop out of school so that he can focus on a professional gaming career via Guitar Hero.

Blake convinced his folks (that is, "We couldn't take the complaining anymore," said his mom) to let him drop out last September. They hired in-home tutors to continue his education there, at least, but there's no doubt priority number one is Guitar Hero. There's a vaguely defined goal of Blake playing it professionally, either through Major League Gaming or by winning prizes in a national and international competitions. But so far he's only made about $1,000, most of that value realized in meals and other freebies won at local competitions. The other pro gamer the reporter contacted for this story said he's cashed in about $25,000 in his entire career.

The description of Blake's room, his interests (or lack thereof) , and his folks' decision to let him do this just ... well, the don't make anyone look good. It would be one thing if the guy was a bona fide music or athletic prodigy. However quixotic a career in either field might be for the majority who pursue it, at least there's a long history of it paying off if you are that good enough. But Blake's never touched a real guitar (cue up the get-a-life bait). He didn't seem interested in much of anything in high school (a Christian academy where his parents had enrolled him) and wheedled his way out of going by complaining that it was a waste of time. (That line should sound very familiar to my folks. If only playing Master of the Lamps on the Commodore 64 could have won me some free Chik-Fil-A. I might have had better luck.)

You gotta read it to believe it, and nearly three weeks after it was first published, it is still one of The News & Observer's top e-mailed stories. Try to keep it civil in the comments, gang, especially if you aren't a parent. I'm not, but I'll admit this blows my mind.

Nearly 150 Screenshots of Fallout 3 Leaked

Although I probably should leave anything in Japanese to Bash, pictures speak any language, and there are nearly 150 of them of Fallout 3 that have hit the Internet following the Zenimax Asia expo (Zenimax owns Fallout developer Bethesda.) Tipster Brother None, the forum admin over at No Mutants Allowed, writes: "Apparently the people viewing Fallout 3 in the ZeniMax Asia showing in Taiwan did not take their NDAs very seriously." Apparently so. Several full-size screenies on the jump, with a link to the entire gallery.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Xbox 360 outsells PS3 2.5-to-1 ... in Japan

While the Xbox 360 was outsold by the PS3 in our neck of the woods, Microsoft beat its corporate rival on their own home turf. The Xbox 360's popularity jumped this week hot off the heels of Namco Bandai's Tales of Vesperia, pushing 24,962 consoles out the door -- a 19,603 unit increase from the previous week.

In anticipation of the RPG's popularity, Microsoft created a limited edition bundle that added Tales of Vesperia and a slew of extras in with a standard Xbox 360 Premium (20GB) system exclusively in Japan -- the bundle is reportedly the most sought after package available in the region. Full sales chart for the week after the jump.

SOCOM beta details: maps, modes, character customization

The latest entry on the SOCOM: Confrontation blog reveals some additional juicy information regarding the beta. There will be a Crossroads map with 16 players as well as a Crossroads Large map with 32 players. Different game modes will also be accessible, such as Extraction, Elimination and Suppression. The ability to lock out certain weapons or weapon classes is also possible. You can also customize your character with different elements such as body armor, camo, headgear and more. Clan support and stat-tracking is also supported, but beware, these will reset at the launch of the game. Not in the beta? You can still check out our hands-on impressions.

Australia gets new 80GB SKUs priced and dated

Everyone seems to be getting in on the new 80GB SKUs, including the Aussies. These new units, dubbed the new "core pack" set to replace the current 40GB machines, will feature double the storage space at no additional cost. Sony Australia confirms that the core pack is coming to Australia on August 28 and will retail for AUS$699.

The same pack will be available in North America this September and Europe on August 27. As a reminder, the units come with a DualShock 3 and the same functionality as the 40GB units -- namely 2 USB slots, no memory card readers, and no PS2 backwards compatibility.

Rock Band DLC for next week goes 80s

Pull out a pair of scissors and get ready to cut yourself a horrible haircut, because we're heading back to the 80s folks. If you want to do yourself one better, find a flashy glittery suit and some funny hats and you'll seriously be prepared for next week's Rock Band DLC. Here's the breakdown of the new songs coming next Thursday, August 21:

* Devo - "Girl U Want" (new original recording) - $1.99
* Devo - "Through Being Cool" (new original recording) - $1.99
* Duran Duran - "Girls on Film" - $1.99
* Duran Duran - "Rio" - $1.99
* The Janitors - "Get Your Rock On" - $0.99

In addition to this totally 80s collection, The Janitors' "Get Your Rock On" from the American Mall soundtrack is being tacked on as the "token 'meh' song" for the week.

Final Fantasy XIII demo to be over 90 minutes long

The latest issue of Famitsu PS3 is all about the recent Square Enix DKΣ3713 event, and has a few juicy scans from the magazine. One of the more interesting things to point about the upcoming FFXIII demo bundled with Advent Children Complete: the demo will be on a separate Blu-ray disc (meaning it will unlikely be region locked), and the amount of gameplay is promised to be longer than the length of Advent Children. That means the FFXIII demo should be at least 90 minutes long, if not longer. That's huge! The demo will supposedly come from the very beginning of the game, so players won't have to worry about spoiling the later parts of the game.

Get a look inside NBA 09's 'The Life'

Regardless of your enthusiasm for the sport, it's undeniable that Sony San Diego's first-party sports games on PS3 look incredible. MLB 08 The Show really took the series to the new generation and the upcoming NBA 09 The Inside looks to do the same. This time, The Inside goes beyond just standard ball games -- take a look at these new screenshots to see the other aspects of the game's most exciting mode, "The Life."

LucasArts confirms SW: Force Unleashed Demo this week

If you recall, back in May, we reported that Lucas Arts' was certain about releasing a Star Wars: The Force Unleashed demo. Back then, it was just a matter of knowing when that demo would arrive; however, three months later, we now know exactly when it will come. The pleasure of wielding Sith powers begins this Thursday, August 21.

The demo takes place in one of the early levels in the game known as the "TIE Fighter Construction Facility" -- it's a level you've probably seen many times before in trailers. The mission briefing goes: a Jedi General named Rahm Kota is attacking and it's your job to dispose of him, but to do so in secret (read: kill everyone, no witnesses). That sounds promisingly evil and very much Sith-like. Let the dark side coercion begin.

China's Gaming Market Going Up, Up, Up

In totally unsurprising news, China's game market continues to climb — numbers just posted for the second quarter of 2008 show an 11.2% increase over first quarter, and a nearly 66% increase from the same quarter last year (!). In terms of market share, Shanda leads the pack with a 17.9% share, with other big companies hovering below that.

The current market is estimated to be worth 4.43 billion yuan (around $645 million), and with no predicted slowdowns, one wonders what we'll be seeing this time next year (or even fourth quarter of '08). And with companies like Perfect World making a foray into Western markets, we'll just have to wait and see where China's industry is heading long-term.

Ratchet & Clank: To be Continued in 2009

1Up's played Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty (drops next week on the PlayStation Network) all the way to the end, and got the above teaser screen. Insomniac has said nothing, but it's doubtful they'd tease anything other than a full retail release this far out. 1Up notes that it looks like Insomniac will be switching between Resistance and Ratchet titles every other year which is definitely pulling its weight for the PS3.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Uncharted Drakes Fortune In Last Gen

Uncharted drakes fortune was a great game and the game came out very early in the ps3 life span. So why not one year latter we only see one game on any system that as good as that game. MGS4 to me is the only game that beats it. So why does this matter it proves how lazy developers have got in this gen. The games that look like they could be as good as Uncharted drakes fortune and MGS4 are all made by Sony. So in this gen if your Sony you can only rely one your self. In the last gen Sony did not have to do that they had the one and the only GTA3. That game alone was a great reason to have a ps2 and all the GTA's in that gen. GTA3 made gaming what it is in this gen with its open world game play. The ps3 is like the ps1. All the great games come from Sony and it seems with the games coming out just this year they know what the hell there doing what do you think?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


So is madden better on the 360 for this year just like the year before. Hate to say it but it is. It is not as bad as MADDENO8 but it just plays better on the 3shity. Madden09 looks better on ps3 as it should because of blu ray. The ps3 madden lags more then the 360 Madden. EA's Madden fame took off wen the ps2 was on top. Madden on the ps2 was the first time wen it fault like you could really get into the game. So why has the game been better on the 360. I think its only because in one point in time the 360 was the most strongest system on the market. Things change the ps3 is the new most powerful system. So why is the game not better on ps3 maybe some one should ask EA they keep sucking the 360s ass but we should not blame EA. EA is going with the money Microsoft gives EA money for many more games so why not madden one of EAs top sellers. Microsoft has to give developers money to try to keep up with the more stronger system. This is the only why they can stay in the consul war,

Playstation Uncensored radio show #30

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Final Fantasy VII PS3 Remake Or Sequel: The Dream Is Dead

We can hope no longer. It just hurts too much. As of today, we at PSX Extreme believe the dream is dead: the idea of a Final Fantasy VII remake or sequel for the PlayStation 3 has flat-lined in our minds.

It suffered the biggest blow yet when the supposed "big FFVII-related announcement" at Square-Enix's private party last month turned out to be nothing more than a Final Fantasy XIII demo that will come with next year's Blu-Ray release of "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete." It's good news, but it's hardly what we were looking for. And then there was the uber-lame rumor that Final Fantasy VII for the PS3 mysteriously popped up on Best Buy's computer with a release date of August 16. We heard about it, and told you about it (that's our job), but it was just painful to even acknowledge. Talk about grasping at straws. And it was then that we realized- all we've ever done for years is grasp at straws! Everything we may have heard from Square-Enix regarding the possibility of a remake or sequel was either grossly exaggerated, misinterpreted, or simply false from top to bottom. Over and over, the company has said they have no plans to undertake any such project, and that's where it ends.

Yes, that's where it does end. As much as we want it, we have now resigned ourselves to the fact that it will never happen. We're just sick and tired of getting our hopes up, only to see them dashed, over and over. And in retrospect, those hopes continued to spring from completely unfounded reports; pipe dreams, is really what they were. So no more. Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, gamers of every age and type, we hereby pronounce the Final Fantasy VII remake and/or sequel PS3 rumor to be dead. May it rest in peace. 'sniff'

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Force Unleashed demo is not coming out this week

Adam Kahn, Senior PR Manager got in touch with us regarding the Star Wars: The Force Unleashed demo and he basically told us that the demo is not coming out this week. After hearing on X-Play that the demo will be making its way to the Playstation Store and Xbox Live Marketplace, Adam Kahn has shot down the rumor.

“The Force Unleashed demo is not coming out this week.”

“if X-Play said that it’s coming out this week, they’re wrong”

“They will have more information about the demo in their show on the 14th”

We’ve contaced Adam, asking if he has an idea of when the demo will be available. Stay tuned!

PS3 street fighter surprise coming

I'll let Ben Judd answer this. I can, however, tell you that there's a Street Fighter surprise next Thursday. Go to this Monday to find out!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

80 gig ps3

With the 80 gig ps3s coming the old 40 gig's well drop down to 299$. This has already happen in the UK. So why stop making 40 gig ps3s. For 299$ people well by a ps3. The 80 gig well be 399$ with is alot more then 299$. If you can remember the ps2 at lunch was 299$. People are welling to spend 300$ then 400$ on a console. Sony needs a cheep ps3 to try to sell as mush as the wii every mouth.
With Sony's line up this fall they are going tobe rolling to cash$. So they truty can loss a little more on hardware. All i am saying is you have to loss money to make money. Sony does not pay for exclusive games. So they need to do something to get that ps2 fan bass back. Let's hope Sony reads this.

little big planet

A LittleBigPlanet news site has just launched. With the game's release date of October approaching soon, the site aims to "keep you informed, educated and hopefully excited about" LittleBigPlanet. Two blog entries are the only real content on the site at the moment; one welcoming visitors and another listing the honors LittleBigPlanet has received so far, including an honor we bestowed upon it. You can even be creative and customize the website with 27 stickers by clicking on the sackboy in the upper right corner of the site.

X-Play Gaming Update 08.08.08

Friday, August 8, 2008

How To Download Themes

Go to your web browser on your PS3. Then go to Once there type in PS3 themes and hit search. The one that my friends and I discovered and we think works best is the one that is the fifth one down. There are many different and interesting themes that you can download from here. Be careful though because themes take up a lot of memory that if you download too many it can put a huge dent in your free memory.


I was playing online with one of my friends and we were talking about some of the things that sony is going to be coming out with and how excited we were to get them. One of the biggest things we talked about was the playstation home beta. He mentioned to me that one of his friends had the beta and told him the secret to getting betas from sony. I was instantly intrigued and I asked him how his friend did it. Apparently if you go to the playstation website and register on playstation underground you can register all of your sony products. Even when you register your products it says that you won't be sorry and will have a chance to get new betas. The more that you register the more chance you have to get the betas.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Heavy Rain Behind the Scenes

Madden 09 Leauge

This is RayRay43 and I'm happy to announce that I will be hosting the Madden Leauge. There will be more info on this in the following week so stay tuned. If you interested in this please add me. PSN:RayRay43. Thanks

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


The PlayStation 1 came out in 1986 in Japan and latter in the US. The PlayStation 1 sold over 100 million and PS2 sold over 140 million. The PS3 has only sold in it's second year 16 million consoles . Sony has won the last 2 gens so is it time to loss? The PS3 is in last place right now but it well go to second over the 360 in the nest 2 years. I don't think it well ever catch up to the wii. The wii has changed the way of gamers. It has opened to new people who have never been into playing video games like are grandparents. The PS3 is mostly for people who play games for 5 hours a day and not people who play it for a hour like are grandparents would. The ps3 was made for gamers not for old people or for little kids. But ps3 is the best consol out for a true gamer so if your a true gamer you should be very happey with your ps3.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Only 30%

If MGS4 is only using 30% of the ps3 power. Then what kind of games well the ps3 be poshing out wen developers know how to use 90% of the ps3 power? I say 90% of the ps3 power only because developers never use 100% of any system. The ps3 is the most powerful system on the market. If you ever played MGS4 you know it is one of the best dam games you ever played. So if 30% is what developers can do right now and still make games that can bet out any ether game on any console. I can't wait so see the games coming to the ps3 in the next 3 to 5 years.

Take your vote

The 360 to but the PS2 to rest.....?

So I was reading this article on N4G and it said the 360 was going to deliver the last blow to the PS2. Now personally, I think thats just pathetic. If a next-gen console has to put a last-gen console under the dirt what does it say about the 360? It says it just might belong in the last-gen era. People should be concerned about where the 360 is headed. Its been through alot and in my opinion is on its way to a disaster. Their first-party dev's have been virtually non-existant. The only reason the 360 has sold as much as it did is because of Microsofts abilty to advertise. By 2010 it will be dead. Microsoft fronts like everything is fine, but behind closed doors their flipping OUT! The PS3 is on its way to world domanation and the 360 is France in this world of war. After GOW 2, GOW 3 will be PS3. Thats their biggest exclusive in my opinion. Halo is overrated and Alan Wake may never see the light of day. Too Human and Fable 2 is all they have. Its looking bad, REAL bad.

R.I.P Xbox 360. Died Jan 1st, 2010

By: RayRay43. contributer. Co-leader of the BFK clan

Monday, August 4, 2008

Celebrity Jeopardy - Stewart, Reynolds and Connery Saturday Night Live

--Looming PS4 cycle was real reason for Harrison's departure from Sony

Our ears are so close to the ground they’re all mossy. Highly placed sources told VG247 today that the real reason for Phil Harrison’s departure from Sony was that work is now starting on PS4 and deja vu was setting in.

“He could see he was about to get involved in another PlayStation cycle, and obviously wanted something new,” we were told. “The same thing was happening again and he’d been through it enough times to want to move on.”

The timing of Harrison’s decision to leave Sony confused many, given that PS3 was finally starting to bloom after a troubled seedling period. The PlayStation front-man announced he was to quit in February, giving no reason for the move.

He immediately joined Infogrames as president, saying he was finding the company’s focus on casual gaming and an increased influence on internet business models “very exciting”.

Bet PS4 doesn’t have two HDMI ports either.

Folding @ Home

Folding @ Home may seem complicated when you look and read about it but really it isn't at all. Folding @ Home is funded by Stanford University. What they did instead of getting a super computer which costs millions of dollars is made a deal with Sony. This software studies the foldings and misfoldings of proteins which can cause cancer and many other diseases. So Stanford sends a little bit of a model of folding and misfolding proteins. Your PS3 runs the model through and then sends all of the information back to Stanford in which case they send your PS3 another model. So in its simplest form Folding @ Home can cure cancer.
As my friends and I have theorized not only does "Folding Home" help Stanford but it also helps boost your internet connection for online play. Please join our Folding @ Home team. The team number is 118417. To join the team go into your Folding @ Home application. Hit triangle and go to identity. Then click join team. Next type in the team number you want to join (118417) and click ok.

Things change