Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The 360 to but the PS2 to rest.....?

So I was reading this article on N4G and it said the 360 was going to deliver the last blow to the PS2. Now personally, I think thats just pathetic. If a next-gen console has to put a last-gen console under the dirt what does it say about the 360? It says it just might belong in the last-gen era. People should be concerned about where the 360 is headed. Its been through alot and in my opinion is on its way to a disaster. Their first-party dev's have been virtually non-existant. The only reason the 360 has sold as much as it did is because of Microsofts abilty to advertise. By 2010 it will be dead. Microsoft fronts like everything is fine, but behind closed doors their flipping OUT! The PS3 is on its way to world domanation and the 360 is France in this world of war. After GOW 2, GOW 3 will be PS3. Thats their biggest exclusive in my opinion. Halo is overrated and Alan Wake may never see the light of day. Too Human and Fable 2 is all they have. Its looking bad, REAL bad.

R.I.P Xbox 360. Died Jan 1st, 2010

By: RayRay43. PlaystationUncensored.com contributer. Co-leader of the BFK clan

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