Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Win a trip to Tokyo with Metal Gear Online [Update]

Fancy a trip to Tokyo with five of your friends? Konami has announced that a European Metal Gear Online Tournament will begin very shortly which will allow you to win exactly that. Check out the official website and sign up today and you'll take part in one of the preliminary tournaments over the next few weeks. These will be straight Team Deathmatch games, with the best two teams being flown to Tokyo for the world final (indicating that Japanese and American tournaments should be announced soon) during the Tokyo Game Show.

Tokyo Game Show takes place from the 9th to the 13th of October, so it's probably best that you make sure you're free for those dates before taking part. Over 250 teams will be competing, which sounds a lot, but really you've got a 1-in-125 chance of going through. Pretty good odds, if you ask us. If you play MGO regularly in a team you'd be stupid to pass this opportunity up. So go for it and, if you win, let us know. We'll see you in Tokyo!

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